Mission & Bylaws
East Wake Warrior Club By-Laws
Vision Statement
The purpose of the East Wake Warrior Club shall be to assist the athletic teams of East Woke High School, its coaches, and players. The Club will seek to promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, and courage to build the character of the participating players and strengthen school and community relationships.
- Develop an organization with on active and involved membership that is concerned with the total athletic program and all of its participants regardless of sex, race, socio-economic status, or chosen sports activity.
- Promote school spirit and sportsmanship and encourage attendance at all East Wake High School athletic events.
- Encourage and support the academic endeavors of East Wake's student-athletes.
- Provide supplementary financial support to the athletic department at East Wake High School.
- Provide supplementary financial support for the long-term projects of the athletic program at East Wake High School.
- Aid the school staff in organizing and staging special events and projects in sports promotions, publicity, and program development.
Regular members will hold a current family or individual membership from the Warrior Club. Regular members shall be eligible to vote, hold office, constitute a quorum, and have all other rights available to the general membership. Each parent of a child at East Wake High School that is on a family plan will be eligible to vote, with a maximum of two votes per family membership. Corporate sponsors are allotted one vote per sponsorship, except in the event that the corporate sponsors are also parents of an East Wake High School student, in which case the parents will be allotted 2 votes. Membership is valid from the start of the school year in the year the contract is entered into and expires on the day before the next school year. Membership can be revoked if the member does not abide by their contract or conducts him/herself in a way that disobeys the WCPSS Code of Conduct. The obligation of a member is to serve a minimum of three Warrior Club activities per year as stated in their contracts.
Corporate and individual sponsors will be granted membership with all rights and privileges thereof.
Senior citizens and student members will hold a current membership. Senior citizens and student members shall not be eligible to vote, hold office, or constitute a quorum, but shall have all other rights available to the general membership.
All memberships must be voted on and approved by ¾ majority vote of board members present.
All banners and sponsorships must be voted on and approved by¾ majority vote.
Paid Warrior Club members may attend meetings and address the board. Coaches, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend and support the board that is working to enhance their student athletes' experience. Exceptions in attendance must have prior approval or 2/3 majority of the Principal, Athletic Director, or Chairperson.
Election of Officers
The officers shall consist of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer. At-Large Apparel, At-Large Sponsor/Fundraising, At-Large Concessions, At-Large Memberships, and
At-Large Special Events.
- Election - The officers shall be elected by a majority of the voter’s membership present at the June Warrior Club general membership meeting for the July 1 appointment.
- Nominations - Nominations will be accepted for 30 days prior to the June meeting. Those persons who have been nominated will be contacted, and their acceptance will be confirmed. No nominations will be accepted from the floor the day of the June meeting. A vote will be taken at the June meeting.
- Terms of Office - Terms for all officers will be twelve months, from July 1 to June 30.
- Vacancy - If a vacancy in any office shall occur, the Executive Board shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next election. In the event that the vote is tied, the chairperson will decide the placement of the vacancy.
Duties of Officers
The President shall:
- Preside at all meetings
- Serve as a primary liaison between the Warrior Club, East Wake High School, and the community.
- Set the agenda for meetings.
- Direct goals and budget performance in conjunction with the Athletic Director.
The Vice-Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence, and also Co-Chair Concessions.
The Secretary shall:
- Keep a record of all the proceedings of the General Membership Meetings of the Club.
- Record, maintain, and distribute all meetings' minutes.
- Be responsible for all correspondence, including notices of meetings.
The Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for keeping a full and accurate record of the following:
- Receipt of funds.
- Disbursement of funds as authorized.
- Keep an accurate account of funds and provide a monthly financial report.
- Maintain an itemized statement of funds received and disbursed identifying specific dates and detailed reasons for expenditures.
- Be responsible for keeping a full and accurate record of the following:
Funds raised by and/or allocated to specific sports teams, although deposited in the Club's account. shall be separately traced and identified as "encumbered funds" for each sports team. Expenditures from these encumbered funds do not require Executive Board approval but may be expended on behalf of these teams at the discretion of the team's Head Coach with the approval of either the Athletic Director or Warrior Club Chairperson. It must receive 2 of 3 signatures for approval (Principal, Athletic Director, Chair).
Funds raised by projects that have a specific advertised purpose shall be deposited (and separately tracked) in the Club's general fund to ensure that it is disbursed for the advertised purpose and to safeguard the integrity of the club and the school.
Ten percent of all funds designated for specific teams (donations, fundraiser proceeds) will be deposited in the general fund of the Warrior Club.
The Warrior Club shall maintain a minimum balance of $2500 designated as an emergency fund, which will require approval of the executive committee to be spent. In the event that monies are disbursed from this fund, the balance shall be restored to the designated minimal balance of $2500 within 60 days.
The Warrior Club will carry a balance of $2500 in the general fund in June in order to provide adequate funds for the start-up of the fall season for the following school year.
The Executive Board will submit for approval an annual budget, which will govern all expenditures and will be reviewed as needed. The final budget will be approved by the majority vote of outgoing board members prior to new officers assuming their duties.
Expenditures up to $500 may be approved by the Treasurer. Expenditures greater than
$500 and up to $2000 must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Principal, Athletic Director, and Chair. Expenditures greater than $2001 shall be approved by a simple majority vote of general members.
All fundraising activities must comply with Wake County School Board Policy 2540.1-7. All fundraising must be approved by the Principal.
Voting Procedures
A vote required to pass a motion will be a simple majority of the members present at a meeting.
Amendment of these By-Laws
Amendments to the By-laws are to be submitted in writing at a regular Executive Board meeting prior to the July meeting. Notice of the amendments shall be publicized by direct mail or e-mail to the membership at least two weeks prior to the July meeting.
Amendments may be adopted at the July meeting by a simple majority of those members present and voting.
Adopted July l, 2024